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Fuuzhou CrysPack Opto-Electronic Technology Co.Ltd
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membrane box for gifts jewelry display plastic box cpk-m-10030a
Specification: CPK-M-10030(A)
Detail: The membrane box of CPK-M-10030(A) is tran***rent with latch .It's outside dimension is 100*75*30mm,and it's inside dimension is 90*61*25mm. We recommend it to pack the product whose dimension is less than 80*50*20mm.The dimen...
high quality membrane plastic box for phone case
Specification: CPK-MM-180*110/20
Detail: The white jewelry box of CPK-M-18020 is tran***rent with latch .It's outside dimension is 180*110*20,and it's inside dimension is 160*90mm. All the membrane boxes can used to pack the jewelry,watches,optics.There's the micro...
high quality membrane plastic display collect box cpk-m-8020
Specification: CPK-M-8020
Detail: Box Type:CPK-M-8020 (with no latch) Size(outside):80*42*20mm Inside dimension:66*26*16mm Color :tran***rent Note: We recommend it to pack the product whose dimension is less than 60*20*10mm.This dime...
hot sale plastic sticky chip semicondutor box cpk-s-7515
Specification: CPK-S-7515
Detail: Type : CPK-S-7515 Outside dimension :75*55*15mm Inside dimension:71*51*11mm The sticky boxes are made using gel material whose surface has intrinsic stickiness that effectively immobilizes the devices using...
jewelry box plastic pack fancy gift boxes cpk-s-3015
Specification: CPK-S-3015Type : CPK-S-3015
Detail: Type : CPK-S-3015 Outside dimension :30*30*15mm Inside dimension:27*27*11mm The sticky boxes are made using gel material whose surface has intrinsic stickiness that effectively immobilizes the devices using o...
high quality membrane plastic display collect box cpk-m-3816
Specification: CPK-M-3816
Detail: Type:CPK-M-3816 (with no latch) Size(outside):38*38*16mm Inside dimension:31*31*14mm Color :tran***rent Note: We recommend it to pack the product whose dimension is less than 25*25*10mm.This dimensio...
hot sale jewelry membrane box gift packaging boxes cpk-j-130
Specification: CPK-J-130
Detail: The white jewelry box of CPK-J-130is tran***rent with latch .It's outside dimension is 130*130*36mm,and it's inside dimension is 100*100mm. The black jewelry box of CPK-J-130 is tran***rent with latch .It's outside dimensi...
latest design jewelry membrane plastic packaging box cpk-j-80
Specification: CPK-J-80
Detail: The jewelry membrane boxes are the clear choice for protecting valuable surface of sensitive products from storage, handling and shipping damage. This series of boxes have micro thin, high-elastic membranes on the top and bot...
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